University of Western Brittany
The Paleontology collection (labelled LPB) is supported by the Geosciences Ocean Laboratory (LGO) and currently stored at the “UFR Sciences et Techniques” from Brest University (UBO).
This collection consists of more than 6,000 specimens, fossils and microfossils, including many types, figured and cited material, collected from 1959 and the Brest research beginnings in Geology. The material is largely from Paleozoic, and includes corals, bryozoans, bivalves, cephalopods, gastropods, brachiopods, ostracods, echinoderms (mostly crinoids), tentaculites, trilobites and acanthodian fishes among macrofossils, in addition to radiolarians, conodonts and numerous organic microfossils (acritarchs, chitinozoans, Prasinophytes, spores). Few vertebrates from the Rennes basin (Cenozoïc) and the Finistere department (Quaternary) complete this collection.
The samples come from many localities – in France: Armorican Massif, eastern part of Anjou, Artois and Boulonnais (northern part of France), Montagne Noire, Pyrenees – and worldwide: Spain, Sweden, Podolia (Ukraine), Turkey, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Republic of Chad, Bolivia, Venezuela, United-States.
Many researchers have contributed to the enrichment of this collection: Babin Cl., Benedetto J.-L., Botquelen A., Brice D., Deunff J., d’Erceville M.A., Gravelle M., Gourmelon F., Gourvennec R., Horny R., Jaouen P.A., Legrand-Blain M., Le Hérissé A., Le Menn J., Mélou M., Pelhate A., Plusquellec Y., Racheboeuf P., Sanchez M.T. and Vidal M.
This collection has been digitized in the e-ReColNat program (RECOLNAT-ANR-11-INBS-0004) for a web repository and is still available on request for researchers in Paleontology.
Macrofossils :

Pleurodictyum problematicum (LPB 8771) Université de Brest (UBO)© E-Recolnat.2013

Colpocoryphe grandis (LPB 14792) Université de Brest (UBO)© E-Recolnat.2013

Haplocrinites aremoricensis LPB 9458A Université de Brest (UBO)© E-Recolnat.2013

Gasterocoma armoricana (LPB 3574) Université de Brest (UBO)© E-Recolnat.2013

Nicolella actoniae actoniae (LPB 17073) Université de Brest (UBO)© E-Recolnat.2013
Microfossils :

Polyedryxium decorum Deunff, 1955 (Devonian from Ontario). Université de Brest (UBO)© E-Recolnat.2013

Veryhachium asymmetricum Deunff 1954, became the type species of the genus Onondagaella in 1966. Université de Brest (UBO)© E-Recolnat.2013