List of labelled software solutions

Éditeur Produit Version Type label Date d'obtention Date de validité
AXIELL EMu 5 Silver 2017-03-01 2019-03-01, Conseil des musées Alienor 3 Silver 2017-10-06 2019-10-06
AXIELL[Mobydoc] SNBase 6.5.11 Silver 2018-02-20 2020-02-20
A&A partners Webmuseo 8 Silver 2019-10-11 2021-10-11

Silver label >> ascending flow compatibility - the software exports its data in RECOLNAT standard

Gold label >> silver label + descending flow compatibility - the software imports data in RECOLNAT standard


→ Import/export operations[interoperability] of data between collection management software solutions and the e-ReColNat platform facilities.

→ Data exchange flow normalization. [Darwin Core, UID, etc.]

→ Scientific data standardization. [ISO, norms, existing standards, etc.]