The RECOLNAT network of naturalist collections is a research infrastructure (IR) that is included in the MESRI roadmap. Its perimeter concerns all natural history collections and the valorisation of 350 years of harvests on the world's biodiversity.
Originally funded by PIA e-ReColNat (RECOLNAT-ANR-11-INBS-0004), this infrastructure offers a portal of more than 10 million images and data related to naturalist objects and a network of more than 80 partners throughout France and overseas territories. It develops and makes available innovative tools for working with digital images on these collections, notably "Les herbonautes" and "Annotate".
Its current scope has been extended to the national structuring of natural history communities; a scientific interest group (GIS) is currently being set up. IR RECOLNAT is also the French nodal point of the European DiSSCo programme.
Specimens from naturalist collections digitized and available online for research, industry and the general public.
Users of the infrastructure work in various fields, such as systematics, history, health, artificial intelligence, etc.
Data from citizen science, a community of experts for 7 years contributes to the constitution of scientific data sets.